What is it?
A light-emitting diode light, also known as an LED light, produces light when electrons move around within its semiconductor structure. They light up your cell phone, traffic signals, flashlights, Christmas lights, and digital clocks, among many other things. While they have taken some time to become popular in households as standard bulbs, they have become more and more common in recent years. This is because the structure of an LED light causes some light to be trapped inside, which makes it dimmer than an incandescent bulb. Since most people want their ceiling fixtures and lamps to be pretty bright in their homes, LED lights are usually passed over. They are brighter now, however, and you can find bulbs that emit light equivalent to a 60-watt incandescent light bulb, which are more than enough to provide your home with plenty of light.
There are many reasons to use LED lights in your home or at your workplace. For starters, they use less energy. It is dramatically more efficient than the filament or vacuum method that incandescent bulbs use. In fact, LED lights are often around 85% more efficient than incandescent bulbs, which is a very significant number. A 60-watt incandescent bulb consumes around 525 kWh of electricity a year, while a LED bulb in the same light fixture may only use 65 kWh of electricity a year. For just a single lamp, the annual carbon dioxide reduction is huge. LED lights are also much more time-efficient. A normal incandescent bulb lasts 750 hours or so. An LED bulb can last upwards of 30, 000 hours. You could go a whole decade without having to change a bulb. LED bulbs are much more expensive, but recent developments have suggested a major price reduction in these bulbs may be coming in the near future.
One of the biggest disadvantages of using LED lights is the reduced light due to the bulb design. While recent bulb designs have been able to produce more light, it is only possible by putting microscopic holes in the casing, which is very expensive and time-consuming. Thus, LED lights cost much more than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. LEDs with poor design may also begin to flicker, provide uneven light, or change colour. This can be very frustrating, especially if you are paying $100 for one bulb. To avoid this, make sure you choose LED bulbs with an Energy Star rating. This bulbs have been tested and proven to provide brightness, efficiency, and color quality of an extended period of time.
While LED bulbs tend to cost a bit more than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, they are much more time efficient and will actually save you money in the long run. An LED replacement bulb may cost you $100, compared to a $1 incandescent bulb and a $2 fluorescent bulb. If you only have to change it once every 20 years, however, the cost will end up around the same. LED lights also are much more energy efficient and will make your bill much cheaper every month. While buying 10 up front may cost a grand, it will save you a significant amount of money in the long run.